From when we are young children we receive lots of messages about what being successful looks like. Somewhere in there, there is a message that being successful will make us happy but the evidence does not support that. Whilst we may be financially more successful than our predecessors, it has come at a cost.
I have written an article on this topic for Brainz Magazine
So what does true success look like for you?
Image: Timon Studler, Unsplash
At 50 I found out I have ADHD. A lot finally made sense.
Undiagnosed ADHD and the impact on new mums
I overcame imposter syndrome and so can you.
As parents we can help to build our kids confidence and self-esteem.
Are you suffering from peri-menopause or menopause symptoms? Do you want to join me in giving two fingers to the menopause.
What is coaching & why is it useful? Find out some of the benefits of investing your time, energy and money in coaching.
As children we often learn that pleasing others is the way to receive love and praise, but in adult life it can bring many pitfalls. How is people pleasing impacting you?
We grow up absorbing all sorts of messages about success from our society, family and education system. These go into our subconscious and impact the choices we make and how we feel about ourselves. But what does success look like for you?
Want to lead a life you love? You need clarity, self-belief & action. Sound scary. I promise you it's not.
The way we think affects how we feel which impacts our actions and therefore our outcomes. If we want to change our life, and stop repeating old patterns, we need to change the way we think.
Statistics from the Mental Health Foundation show anxiety levels have increased sharply, particularly in women.
Meditation is exercise for the brain. Brain scanning technology has enabled neuroscientists to see that meditation changes the physical structure of the brain.